Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Life With Cooper

Now I have 3 bros, Jacob, Harrison, and Cooper. Harrison and I have our fights, but Cooper and I... lets just say we are annoying. One of Cooper's friends are over and we were having a talk about destiny's and Cooper said my destiny is to be mean, and of course I said "Are you sure? Because I thought That was your destiny." Cooper got mad (of course) and said "NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Now I admit I was pretty mean but did he have to hit me? Well, whatever. Hope you like my blog so far!! Leave a comment!! :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Blog!!!!!

Hi!! This is Amanda's blog. Now I'm new to blogging so if you could give me some tips that would be awesome. Hmmm... where should I start. Well I will most likely will be "copying" off of my mom's blog so that I could have some ideas of what to write, so if you look at my mom's blog and mine and you feel like you have read that same thing you probably have:)
